hey who?

hey friday is small design studio with big dreams and no monday anxiety.

We support and encourage our team to follow their passions, dreams and grow as a person (personal and professionally).

Our business and design are human centred. We value the customer experience: ours – yes, you! – and yours. 🙂

We are true to ourselves and others. We believe that the true is the foundation of every relationship.

Professionalism always. Boredom never.

We choose our clients based on personality fit and purpose. Do you get in relationships with people whose values don’t align with yours? Neither do we. 🙂

We believe that everyone should work when and where feels right for them. Work should fit in your life and not the other way around. When you are happy you do your best work! We are remote.

Hey you!

Nice to brand you.

I love being a designer.
There’s something magical about transforming peoples’ visions into visuals.

But things are not always as we imagined. After I spent years burned out, waking up anxious and always stressed (Sorry monday, I really hated you back then!), eventually I got the balls – ovaries! – to quit my job. I dreamed to grow my family and have time for them. I wanted to be able to work from everywhere and have control of my hours. I wanted to fit work in my life and not the other way around. And a studio was born.

Here we respect each other’s time and personal life. Happy people are a happy professionals. We are a studio with no monday anxiety, we celebrate all days like friday. 🙂

Love, Lígia

P.S. Sorry, monday. We are all good now. Now you feel like new beginnings!

The team

Tailored for each project

We are designers, copywriters, photographers, developers and web designers based all over the world.

We work remotely – from our home, a co-working space, the beach, wherever feels right.

Each project is unique and so is the team that is right for it.


Lígia Fraga Dias

Founder · Creative director · Tea addict

Yep! I drink more tea than I design and I’ve been a graphic designer for 10 years now!

I’ve always been interested in technology and from the very beginning my career has been moving towards the digital world – eventually I found marketing and web design. I love learning new things! I am always looking for what to learn next and how to incorporate it into my life (personal and professional).

I spent the last 6 years working with and for women. I love it! I love helping women find and express their true colors. Helping them feel connected to their businesses and brands.

I’m on Linkedin if you want to say hi!

Taking care of your brand is a big deal!

Not sure if we are a match? It’s OK.

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